As a reminder, NPI reflects the percentage of customers who plan to purchase more of a brand during the next 12 months minus the percentage that plan to purchase less. The monthly retail sales data reported by the US Census Bureau for 10 sub-sectors HundredX covers has an average correlation of about 70% with the NPI data for those industries. We find changes in the direction of NPI tend to occur two to six months before the same trend occurs for reported retail sales figures.
NPI for E-Commerce is one Retail group that has seen improvement during recent months and is positive overall, at 1% for T3M October 2022, up from -1% in June 2022. We believe modestly positive NPI, along with its gains over other sub-sectors that remain flat to down, indicates consumers will most likely continue to spend more money on E-commerce relative to other Retail areas. Year-over-year growth in Retail sales for Electronic shopping improved every month, moving from 8% in May 2022 to 14% in September 2022. These strong rates should remain sustainable and may even improve further during the coming months.
We also find Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) for Apparel (4.5) remained steady over the course of the last year, one of the top measures for any sector in our coverage. HundredX measures CSAT on a 5-point scale.
Sentiment towards a driver of CSAT is measured by Net Positive Percent (NPP), which is the percentage of customers who say a driver (such as Quality or Price) is a reason they like a brand/product minus the percentage who say it is a reason they do not like it. The top factors driving Apparel customer satisfaction, and the reason why they prefer a specific brand include Comfort (chosen as top driver 70% of the time), Quality (67%), Styles (67%), Sizes & Fit (66%), Durability (65%), and Brand Image (52%).
While The Crowd tells us that the overall outlook for Retail purchase intent will most likely continue its mixed trend, with Retail continuing to show negative or little NPI growth, select Apparel brands will gain market share relative to the broader sector. We continue to monitor trends within Retail, Apparel, and other areas to see if any changes emerge as the shopping season progresses as well as into 2023.
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